Dunkin' Donuts in Birmingham, Alabama

On our website you will find full information about Dunkin' Donuts in Birmingham at 2109 6th Avenue South

Based on 1 reviews

Foods in Birmingham

Contacts of Dunkin' Donuts

ZIP 35233

Locality Birmingham

Address 2109 6th Avenue South

Phone +1 205-297-8777

Website dunkindonuts.com

Update information

The location map and directions to Dunkin' Donuts in Birmingham are based on the coordinates we have: latitude 33.5076534, longitude -86.7985536. If you are going to drive a car and use the navigator, you can add the coordinates [33.5076534,-86.7985536] to the navigator and you will get where you need to go!

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Reviews of Dunkin' Donuts

I usually don't have time, but today I do. I was sent to get two small easy orders. I definitely said I have two orders, first order 2 egg & cheese muffins for 3. With a coupon for a free coffee. As if I didn't say I had two orders the cashier says to pull to the next window, I advise I have another order, a coupon for a $0.99 bagel with cream cheese. (Now I'm asked is that all lol)... that wasn't the bad part of my experience but it got no better. I Just had a ridiculously unprofessional experience at the drivethru window, all over a 2 for 3 where I was charged full price. 2.79 x2 ...When telling the cashier that it was incorrect she was dumbfounded, her manager was interrupting her so she turns around (basically yelling at her superior) and I quote "I'm trying to figure out what she talking bout, here do you want to talk to her!", she hands the receipt, he takes her place, I advised the price isn't right and he simply tells me it was right? He shows me the coffee was removed because it's free I agree and say something still isn't right it's a two for three, he still says it's right? Both walk away from the window? as to not hold up the line, I leave, I call AND I GOT HIM, He at first couldn't find the receipt...goes on to say he can't go back that far, mind you it hadn't been long, he's asking for a ticket number, I give every number off of the receipt, eventually its found, (here we go again about the coffee) I advise, yes we've settled that but I point out the fact 2 for 3 does not equal 5.58, he admitted he doesnt know what happened, did not apologize but did offer, if I can come back he'd comp a sandwich or cash refund of the difference. (Something that is inconvenient) I paid with a co-workers card... and I'm over asking, really over this call, and this establishment, I'm not sure why the card couldn't be refunded but I didn't ask. He didn't offer and bargaining is obviously tiresome for the both of us. In comparison to a Chick-fil-A vs McDonald's experience we are far closer to McDonald's and in this moment McDonald's would be better, faster and more accurate or at least reasonable with the refund process. I can't see a future where me returning, wouldn't lead to the same unfriendly experience so I rather not engage. I was just here for the first time a week ago (that experience was just as subpar)but today, benefit of the doubt, it could have just been too many cooks in the kitchen... they were kind of busy, and it seems as if they all were not at their best so I guess I can't expect the best. Resolution I'm just going to pay for my coworker's food out of my pocket. The refund would have been nice but for where this is located, it isn't worth the gas and I'd be skeptical about free food compensation. I hope it was worth it. They can keep the over charge and find a way to deal with such a low and permanent overall rating... I thought I was overacting but from other reviews, I see now that I'm not... also on second order the bagel was overcooked (cream cheese was gracious tho)... still I wouldn't suggest wasting your money here. Starting you morning here, has a high likelihood of starting your morning unsatisfied. Btw you won't find their phone number on the receipt... thankfully Google did have it. Sorry not sorry, being rude has it consequences and I coming from customer service was as pleasant I could be.
February 26, 2022 5:06 PM, Ms. Karen Medhurst

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All reviews about Dunkin' Donuts in Birmingham have been added by our users. We are not responsible for their content and cannot be held responsible for their relevance and objectivity. But we hope that the reviews about Dunkin' Donuts will be useful for you! At the moment, 1 reviews have been left about Dunkin' Donuts in Birmingham and the average rating on reviews is 1.0 out of 5

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Working hours of Dunkin' Donuts

06:00am — 08:00pm;
05:00am — 08:00pm;
05:00am — 08:00pm;
05:00am — 08:00pm;
05:00am — 08:00pm;
05:00am — 08:00pm;
06:00am — 08:00pm;

The opening hours of Dunkin' Donuts in Birmingham may differ from those presented, we recommend that you check the exact opening hours for today or tomorrow directly at Dunkin' Donuts before visiting

Information about Dunkin' Donuts

Added at September 16, 2022
9:43 AM
Updated at September 16, 2022
9:43 AM
Users rating 1 4
Count reviews 1
Reviews mark
★ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒
Latitude 33.5076534
Longitude -86.7985536

1 The Dunkin' Donuts user rating is our internal metric, calculated from a large number of parameters! This metric does not reflect our attitude to Dunkin' Donuts in Birmingham and is just a mathematical expression of a certain formula!

More information about Dunkin' Donuts in Birmingham

Dunkin' Donuts company is located in Birmingham, at the address: 35233, 2109 6th Avenue South.

You can always call Dunkin' Donuts and specify the opening hours, the exact address, as well as find out any information by calling +1 205-297-8777.

If it is easier for you to find out more about Dunkin' Donuts on the Internet then we recommend that you visit the site dunkindonuts.com.

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