Valuable sculpture by Alabama artist found at Birmingham Goodwill for .99

Shannon Manthey was walking out of a Birmingham thrift store when she spotted a decorative sculpture of a magnolia flower and branch priced at $39....

October 2, 2023
5:56 PM

Shannon Manthey was walking out of a Birmingham thrift store when she spotted a decorative sculpture of a magnolia flower and branch priced at $39.99. She recognized the work of Alabama artist Frank Fleming, who created Birmingham's Storyteller Fountain and died in 2018. 'I knew it was a valuable piece right away,' Manthey said. 'It was on the weekend, about closing time at the Goodwill and I was walking out the door, and I asked myself, ‘what did I just see?'' Manthey said the sculpture is signed by Fleming.

Alaina Bookman